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Bible Commitment Service

  • Hobble Creek Baptist Church 1502 North 1750 West 84663, Springville, UT United States (map)

We are having our annual Bible Commitment Service! We hope you can make it!

Our Bible Commitment Service is a special service to help prepare us for the upcoming year by challenging us to make a commitment to read the Bible. There are four commitment services a year at Hobble Creek Baptist Church: Bible Commitment Service, Ministry Commitment Service, Prayer Commitment Service, and a Missions Commitment Service. Each of these special services are three months apart, and the first is the Bible-Reading Commitment Service, which takes place around the same time as New Years. What better way is there to start the new year than by resolving to faithfully read the Bible!

Read the Bible in a year

The sermon is going to be on the importance of reading the Bible, and at the end of the service we will hand out paper slips to everyone. Nobody is required to fill one out, but for those who’d like to make a decision to read the Bible in a year with others in the church, here’s what the slips will ask:

(1) Would you like to commit to reading the Bible in a year?
Many people make New Years resolutions for physical, temporal reasons, which isn’t wrong, but how much more should we resolve to do something spiritual and eternal, such as reading the Bible?

(2) Would you prefer to make a different Bible-related commitment instead, and if so, what?
For some people, reading the entire Bible in a year might seem like quite a daunting task. If this is the case and someone would still like to make some other Bible-reading resolution, then they are more than welcome to. For instance, maybe they’d like to just read the New Testament in a year, or maybe they’d like to read the New Testament twice in a year, or maybe they’d like to read just the Old Testament in a year. Whatever they want, it’s their decision. There may also be people who want to commit to reading the Bible with their family, or maybe there are others who aren’t challenged by reading the Bible in a year and would prefer to make a greater commitment. All of that is fine too. It’s whatever you want for it’s your resolution.

(3) Would you like Pastor Jory to help keep you accountable?
You can make a commitment and not ask for help keeping that commitment—there’s nothing wrong with that. However, for those who would like a little extra help, Pastor Jory is willing to contact you on the first of every month and simply ask how you’re doing with your commitment. This just further helps us to be faithful to whatever the Lord has laid on our hearts.

When you come to church there will be a handout for everyone in attendance. This handout will contain an easy way to systematically read the Bible in year. For each day in the year this paper will tell you what to read.

We sure hope that 2024 will be a wonderful and blessed year for you, but more than almost anything, we hope it is a year you grow greatly in the Lord and His Word. So, if you make sure to come to this service, we believe it will be the perfect way to start out 2024—with a goal and a plan to learn more about God!

December 25

Church is Canceled

March 2

2-Year Anniversary