Calendar & Events

Church is Canceled
We will be having a potluck before the afternoon service. The potluck will be from 1:00-1:45 and the service will be from 2:00-3:00.

Canvassing & Outreach
We’re sharing the gospel with our community and you’re invited!
Before our Easter Service (one of the most important services of the year), we are going out to invite people to church.
Canvassing & Outreach
Date: Saturday, April 19.
Time: 12:00.
Description: We will be going door-to-door to hand out church invitations. Some are free to strike up conversations, while others can just put invitations on their doorsteps.
Who can come?: Anyone is welcome to come and help us canvass the area. In fact, we encourage you to! There’s not much better than personally giving people the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and play a role in impacting this world for Him. God calls all Christians to spread His good news.
After: We will be having pizza and drinks immediately following door-to-door.
We hope you can come and participate somehow in outreaching this area for Christ and we hope you can make it to church so that you can meet them and be blessed by them. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. God bless!

Easter Sunday Service
We’re having a special service for Easter Sunday!
Resurrection Serice
For one, there will be hymns, special music, and preaching on the risen Lord. Pastor Jory Petitti will be preaching and leading the service.
- Church starts at 2:00pm.
- The service usually ends around 3:00-3:15pm.
- All are welcome to come!
- Come as you are.
There will be a potluck following the service. If you would like to bring something to the potluck, you’re more than welcome to, but don’t feel like you have to. The best way to bring something to the potluck is to show up to church and sign up for something to bring so that we don’t all bring the same thing, but that too isn’t required.
- The potluck will probably start around 3:15-3:30pm.
- The potluck will probably last about an hour.
- The theme of the potluck will be breakfast foods.
Easter Egg hunt
After the potluck, we’ll be going to Community Park in Springville, Utah to do an Easter egg hunt. All children are welcome to come. Even if you can’t make it to the service and potluck, you’re welcome to join us there.
- Here’s the address: Community Park, 711 N 950 W, Springville, UT 84663.
- This Easter egg hunt will probably start around 4:45-5:00pm.
- It’ll probably only last around 30 minutes, though everyone is welcome to stay and fellowship afterwards.
- There will be hot chocolate and cookies for everyone.
We sure hope you can make it! Again, everyone is welcome to join us—you don’t have to be a member or a Christian or anything like that. The Lord is risen! Let’s show our gratefulness and joy because of that fact by spending this day worshipping Him, thanking Him, fellowshipping with His people, and coming to church!
John 11:25-26: “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

Town Clean-Up Day
We’re picking up trash here in town and you’re invited!
Come join us this day as we pick up trash along the 400 South road here in Springville, Utah. Here’s what you need to know:
(1) You must come to church and sign up before April 26. 400 South is controlled by UDOT, and they require that all who are going to participate fill out a waiver before April 26.
(2) Children and teens aren’t allowed to come.
(3) We start at 12:00.
(3) My wife will be taking children and teens to Coin Crazy Family Fun Center in Spanish Fork arcade while the adults pick up trash. Even if you aren’t able to come pick up trash, if you’d like your teen or child to come to the Nickel arcade, they are more than welcome. If you’re picking up trash and plan to drop them off at the arcade, then you must drop them off by 11:30, to make it in time for picking up trash at 12:00.
(4) All the necessary equipment will be provided to properly pick up trash.
(5) Please contact us or come to church to learn we’re we’ll be meeting up at to start.
We believe it is important to serve others and take care of what God has given us. We hope you consider joining us as we pick up trash on April 26 here in Springville, Utah. For more information, you can click here to contact us.

Men’s Retreat — Treasure Mountain Bible Camp
We’re going on a men’s retreat to Treasure Mountain Bible Camp!
For more information, contact Pastor Jory.

2-Year Anniversary
We are having our 2-year anniversary on Sunday, March 2!
March 5, 2023
It was on this date that Hobble Creek Baptist Church had their first church service. This first service was held at the Holiday Inn Express. For more information regarding our first service, go to https://www.hobblecreekbaptistchurch.com/our-history and scroll to the bottom of the page.
March 2, 2024
In thankfulness and remembrance of all that God has done for us, we’ll be holding a special, 2-year service on March 2.
There will be a special message, special music and then following the service there will be a potluck. If you plan to bring food to this potluck, make sure you bring something to keep it warm in (such as a crockpot) so that we can plug it in during the service.
2:00pm is when the church service starts, and if we had to guess, the potluck will start around 3:15.
Invite Others!
This is a great time to invite friends, family and coworkers to see what all the Lord has been doing, and so that we can be a blessing to them in year two of Hobble Creek Baptist Church. We look forward to this and hope you can plan to make it. God bless!

Bible Commitment Service
We are having our annual Bible Commitment Service! We hope you can make it!
Our Bible Commitment Service is a special service to help prepare us for the upcoming year by challenging us to make a commitment to read the Bible. There are four commitment services a year at Hobble Creek Baptist Church: Bible Commitment Service, Ministry Commitment Service, Prayer Commitment Service, and a Missions Commitment Service. Each of these special services are three months apart, and the first is the Bible-Reading Commitment Service, which takes place around the same time as New Years. What better way is there to start the new year than by resolving to faithfully read the Bible!
Read the Bible in a year
The sermon is going to be on the importance of reading the Bible, and at the end of the service we will hand out paper slips to everyone. Nobody is required to fill one out, but for those who’d like to make a decision to read the Bible in a year with others in the church, here’s what the slips will ask:
(1) Would you like to commit to reading the Bible in a year?
Many people make New Years resolutions for physical, temporal reasons, which isn’t wrong, but how much more should we resolve to do something spiritual and eternal, such as reading the Bible?
(2) Would you prefer to make a different Bible-related commitment instead, and if so, what?
For some people, reading the entire Bible in a year might seem like quite a daunting task. If this is the case and someone would still like to make some other Bible-reading resolution, then they are more than welcome to. For instance, maybe they’d like to just read the New Testament in a year, or maybe they’d like to read the New Testament twice in a year, or maybe they’d like to read just the Old Testament in a year. Whatever they want, it’s their decision. There may also be people who want to commit to reading the Bible with their family, or maybe there are others who aren’t challenged by reading the Bible in a year and would prefer to make a greater commitment. All of that is fine too. It’s whatever you want for it’s your resolution.
(3) Would you like Pastor Jory to help keep you accountable?
You can make a commitment and not ask for help keeping that commitment—there’s nothing wrong with that. However, for those who would like a little extra help, Pastor Jory is willing to contact you on the first of every month and simply ask how you’re doing with your commitment. This just further helps us to be faithful to whatever the Lord has laid on our hearts.
When you come to church there will be a handout for everyone in attendance. This handout will contain an easy way to systematically read the Bible in year. For each day in the year this paper will tell you what to read.
We sure hope that 2024 will be a wonderful and blessed year for you, but more than almost anything, we hope it is a year you grow greatly in the Lord and His Word. So, if you make sure to come to this service, we believe it will be the perfect way to start out 2024—with a goal and a plan to learn more about God!

Church is Canceled
We will be having a potluck before the afternoon service. The potluck will be from 1:00-1:45 and the service will be from 2:00-3:00.

Church is Canceled
We will be having a potluck before the afternoon service. The potluck will be from 1:00-1:45 and the service will be from 2:00-3:00.

Christmas Party
We are having a White Elephant Gift Exchange & Game night, and you’re invited!
- We will be playing some Christmas themed games. There will be games for the younger kids to play as well as some games for teens and adults to play. Pastor Jory will be running the games for the older ones and his wife, Mrs. Marisa, will be handling the activities for the younger ones.
- While we’re playing games there will be pizza, snacks and drinks available.
- After we’ve played these games and before the White Elephant Gift Exchange there will be a Christmas-themed devotional.
White Elephant Gift Exchange
- Everyone needs to bring a gift, wrapped up or placed in a bag. These gifts don’t have to be special or fancy. In fact, you can bring a gag gift to make it more fun! It’s up to you.
- Next, we’ll place all gifts in the middle of the room and have everyone draw a number to decide when their turn will be to pick a gift.
- Once it is someone’s turn, they’ll either pick a gift from the middle or steal one from someone else who’s already gone.
- After everyone has gone, we’re all done!
We’re going to have a lot of fun, so we hope you can make it!
Bible Trivia & Fellowship Night
How well do you know the Bible? Come test your knowledge and enjoy a refreshing time of fellowship!
To start off, Bro. Jory will be giving a short charge from the Word of God. The Bible is paramount at Hobble Creek Baptist Church, so even though we’ll essentially be in the Bible all night, we also need to be exhorted and convicted through the preaching of the Word.
Bible Trivia
This is designed for everyone to be able to participate—children & adults—new believers & seasoned believers—those who don’t know much & those who know a lot. This is because there will be questions ranging from easy, to medium to hard. Everyone will be divided up into teams (usually boys vs. girls), except for those who only choose to watch.
Finger food
Lastly, there will be finger foods, drinks, and possibly even some main dishes if anyone chooses to bring something more substantial like that.
Again, it all starts at 6:30pm, and will probably last around an hour-and-a-half or so. This is always a fun, uplifting, and educating time, so we hope you can make plans to attend!

Thanksgiving Potluck
We will be having a potluck before the afternoon service. The potluck will be from 1:00-1:45 and the service will be from 2:00-3:00.

Bible Trivia & Fellowship Night
How well do you know the Bible? Come test your knowledge and enjoy a refreshing time of fellowship!
To start off, Bro. Jory will be giving a short charge from the Word of God. The Bible is paramount at Hobble Creek Baptist Church, so even though we’ll essentially be in the Bible all night, we also need to be exhorted and convicted through the preaching of the Word.
Bible Trivia
This is designed for everyone to be able to participate—children & adults—new believers & seasoned believers—those who don’t know much & those who know a lot. This is because there will be questions ranging from easy, to medium to hard. Everyone will be divided up into teams (usually boys vs. girls), except for those who only choose to watch.
Finger food
Lastly, there will be finger foods, drinks, and possibly even some main dishes if anyone chooses to bring something more substantial like that.
Again, it all starts at 6:30pm, and will probably last around an hour-and-a-half or so. This is always a fun, uplifting, and educating time, so we hope you can make plans to attend!

Missions Commitment Service
Hobble Creek Baptist Church is going to have its first ever Missions Service!
There are four commitment services a year at Hobble Creek Baptist Church: Bible-Reading Commitment Service, Ministry Commitment Service, Prayer Commitment Service, and a Missions Commitment Service. Each of these special services are three months apart. Here’s some information about missions and this particular church service:
What is missions?
A short and simple definition of missions is this: Christians being sent around the world to share the gospel and make disciples for Christ.
What role do we play?
If you are a Christian, you can play multiple roles in missions:
(1) You can financially support missionaries
The reality is that money makes the world go around. You need money to travel and to eat and to give people Bibles and to have a building, etc. Therefore, we need to financially support missionaries (Christians who are doing the full time or part time work of missions).
(2) You can pray for missionaries
More important than financially supporting missionaries is prayerfully supporting missionaries. One of the best ways to be a prayer warrior in missions is to get involved with a specific missionary (or more), learn what they’re doing, receive updates from them, and then to pray for them.
(3) You can physically help a missionary
Many missionaries need help wherever it is that they’re at, and therefore a lot of the times churches organize missions trips with missionaries to travel to the missionary and help somehow, whether that be canvassing, or building something, or teaching the Bible, or doing medical clinics, etc. Therefore, you can join one of these trips and personally go help a missionary for a short period of time.
(4) You can be a missionary
You can actually be a missionary. In fact, every Christian is called to be a missionary. That doesn’t mean you’re necessarily called to go overseas, but it does mean that you are called to share the gospel and make disciples right where you’re at. You can be a missionary just by becoming active in sharing the gospel here in Utah and seeking to grow believers in the Lord. Furthermore though, it may be God’s will for you to actually be a full-time missionary in the States or overseas. Therefore, don’t ever rule that out, and in fact, be open to it and pray about it.
What will happen during this Missions Service?
(1) There will be a message on missions
During this service you will be taught about missions and be encouraged to get involved somehow.
(2) There will be paper slip handed out
This slip may ask some simply questions, such as: (a) Would you like to make a commitment this year to missions? The most common commitment would be a financial one, but obviously it can be anything; (b) If you’re committing to giving to missions this year, how much will you be giving a month; and (c) Would you like Pastor Jory to help keep you accountable to your commitment this year by contacting you once a month and just asking how you’re doing with you’re missions commitment.
(3) There will be an international potluck
Following the service we will have a potluck, but it won’t be just any old potluck, it will be a missions potluck. Therefore, instead of bring western food, everyone will be encouraged to bring food from other countries.
We certainly hope you can make plans to attend this important service and be a part of missions in some way. God bless!

Bible Trivia & Fellowship Night
How well do you know the Bible? Come test your knowledge and enjoy a refreshing time of fellowship!
To start off, Bro. Jory will be giving a short charge from the Word of God. The Bible is paramount at Hobble Creek Baptist Church, so even though we’ll essentially be in the Bible all night, we also need to be exhorted and convicted through the preaching of the Word.
Bible Trivia
This is designed for everyone to be able to participate—children & adults—new believers & seasoned believers—those who don’t know much & those who know a lot. This is because there will be questions ranging from easy, to medium to hard. Everyone will be divided up into teams (usually boys vs. girls), except for those who only choose to watch.
Finger food
Lastly, there will be finger foods, drinks, and possibly even some main dishes if anyone chooses to bring something more substantial like that.
Again, it all starts at 6:30pm, and will probably last around an hour-and-a-half or so. This is always a fun, uplifting, and educating time, so we hope you can make plans to attend!

Guest Speaker — Pastor Nathan Kirkman
We have a special guest speaker this day, so be sure to make plans to attend!
Pastor Nathan Kirkman from Mt. Logan Baptist Church in Logan, Utah, will be preaching Sunday, August 25. Pastor Kirkman is one of Pastor Jory’s supporting pastors, so we hope you can make it! Be sure to mark this down on your calendar and make it a point to be there. Pastor Kirkman is a great man, and we look forward to hearing what the Lord has laid on His heart.

Guest Speaker — Bro. Nordgren
We have a very special guest speaker this day, so be sure to make plans to attend!
Bro. Nordgren is a good friend of Pastor Jory’s, so we hope you can come and here this man of God preach! You will certainly be encouraged!

Guest Speaker — Bro. Peter Rall
We have a very special guest speaker this day, so be sure to make plans to attend!
Bro. Peter Rall will be preaching Sunday, June 30. Bro. Rall is a good friend of Pastor Jory’s, and is a great man of God, so we look forward to hearing what the Lord has laid on His heart!

BBQ Fellowship
We’re having a BBQ fellowship time after church on Sunday, July 7, and you’re invited!
Our Sunday service starts at 2:00pm, and usually goes till around 3:00 to 3:30pm. Soon after church ends, we will all head over to Salem Pond for a BBQ fellowship. Here’s what you need to know:
Salem Pond is a decently large park, and since we aren’t able to reserve a specific spot, we aren’t 100% where exactly at Salem Pond we’ll be going. However, after church, some of the members will quickly make their way over in that direction, and will pick a spot for us all. So, when you get to Salem Pond, either contact Pastor Jory where exactly to go, or look around until you find people who were at church already. You can also wait and follow others who will be heading there.
What to bring?
Please, don’t feel like you have to bring anything, but if you’d like to bring some sort of food to grill, or some drinks or snacks, you’re more than welcome to. There will also be some games, so if you’d like to join in on that, bring suitable attire.
This is going to be a wonderful time of fellowship, so we hope you can make it! For more information, contact Pastor Jory, or simply come to church on Sunday where everything will be explained. Happy 4th of July! God bless!

Special Music — Crown College of the Bible
We have some special music this Sunday!
One of Crown College of the Bible’s singing groups will be doing some special music this day. Come hear some young men singing praises to the Lord—we’re sure you’ll be encouraged!

Guest Speaker — Pastor Kent Boykin
We have a very special guest speaker this day, so be sure to make plans to attend!
Pastor Kent Boykin is a supporting pastor of Bro. Jory’s and Hobble Creek Baptist Church. Bro. Boykin’s church, Hope Baptist Church in Payson, Utah, is a supporting church as well. Come meet this wonderful pastor and enjoy some good preaching!

Guest Speaker — Pastor Palus
We have a guest speaker this day, so make sure you come!
Pastor James Palus from First Baptist Church in Hulett, Wyoming, will be preaching this day. This is one of Pastor Jory’s supporting pastors and churches, so we hope you can make it! Be sure to mark this down on your calendar and make it a point to be there. Pastor Palus is a great man and we look forward to hearing what the Lord has laid on His heart.

Canvassing & Outreach
We’re sharing the gospel with our community and you’re invited!
Pastor James Palus from First Baptist Church in Hulett, Wyoming, as well as many other church members from First Baptist Church will be coming down to help canvass, outreach, as well as help at church on Sunday.
Canvassing & Outreach
Date: Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April 27.
Time: Unknown. When exactly we’ll start and end hasn’t been decided yet, but we will most likely start around noon and go into the afternoon.
Description: We will mainly be going door-to-door to hand out church invitations.
Who can come?: Anyone is welcome to come and help us canvass the area. In fact, we encourage you to! There’s not much better than personally giving people the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and play a role in impacting this world for Him. God calls all Christians to spread His good news.
Preaching: Pastor Palus will be preaching on Sunday afternoon at 2:00.
Music: Pastor Jory has asked them to do a music special as well while they’re here.
Possibly Children’s Church: If we have children come, then they’ve offered to help out by doing Children’s church.
We hope you can come and participate somehow in outreaching this area for Christ and we hope you can make it to church so that you can meet them and be blessed by them. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. God bless!

Easter Sunday Service
We’re having a special service for Easter Sunday!
Resurrection Serice
For one, there will be hymns, special music, and preaching on the risen Lord. Pastor Jory Petitti will be preaching and leading the service.
- Church starts at 2:00pm.
- The service usually ends around 3:00-3:15pm.
- All are welcome to come!
- Come as you are.
There will be a potluck following the service. If you would like to bring something to the potluck, you’re more than welcome to, but don’t feel like you have to. The best way to bring something to the potluck is to show up to church and sign up for something to bring so that we don’t all bring the same thing, but that too isn’t required.
- The potluck will probably start around 3:15-3:30pm.
- The potluck will probably last about an hour.
- The theme of the potluck will be breakfast foods.
Easter Egg hunt
After the potluck, we’ll be going to Community Park in Springville, Utah to do an Easter egg hunt. All children are welcome to come. Even if you can’t make it to the service and potluck, you’re welcome to join us there.
- Here’s the address: Community Park, 711 N 950 W, Springville, UT 84663.
- This Easter egg hunt will probably start around 4:45-5:00pm.
- It’ll probably only last around 30 minutes, though everyone is welcome to stay and fellowship afterwards.
- There will be hot chocolate and cookies for everyone.
We sure hope you can make it! Again, everyone is welcome to join us—you don’t have to be a member or a Christian or anything like that. The Lord is risen! Let’s show our gratefulness and joy because of that fact by spending this day worshipping Him, thanking Him, fellowshipping with His people, and coming to church!
John 11:25-26: “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

Guest Speaker — Pastor David Mark
Pastor David Mark from First Baptist Church in Roy, Utah, will be preaching this day.
Pastor David and First Baptist Church support Pastor Jory. Make sure to mark this down on your calendar and make it a point to be there. Pastor David is a great man and we look forward to hearing what the Lord has laid on His heart.

1-Year Anniversary
We are having our 1-year anniversary on Sunday, March 3!
March 5, 2023
It was on this date that Hobble Creek Baptist Church had their first church service. This first service was held at the Holiday Inn Express, and it was a great turn out despite the circumstances!
On this day, we were thinking that nobody would come because there was so much snow. However, we were gladly mistaken, for 39 people came! It was an amazing first service and the Lord has continued to surprise ever since.
For more information regarding our first service, go to https://www.hobblecreekbaptistchurch.com/our-history and scroll to the bottom of the page.
March 3, 2024
In thankfulness and remembrance of all that God has done for us, we’ll be holding a special, 1-year service on March 3.
There will be a special message, special music and then following the service there will be a potluck. If you plan to bring food to this potluck, make sure you bring something to keep it warm in (such as a crockpot) so that we can plug it in during the service.
After the potluck, two young men will be getting baptized. Praise the Lord!
2:00pm is when the church service starts, and if we had to guess, the potluck will start around 3:15, and then the baptisms will start around 4:30.
Invite Others!
This is a great time to invite friends, family and coworkers to see what all the Lord has been doing, and so that we can be a blessing to them in year two of Hobble Creek Baptist Church. We look forward to this and hope you can plan to make it. God bless!

Christmas Eve Service
We’ll be having a Christmas service on Christmas Eve, and you’re invited!
There will be Christmas-themed hymns sung, a music special, as well as a message on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Make sure to invite your co-workers, family and friends as we remember what Christ did 2000 years ago! God bless!

Potluck & Bible Trivia Fellowship Night
We’re having a potluck and Bible trivia fellowship night, and you’re invited! Here’s what' it’ll look like:
(1) Potluck
Most people coming will be bringing food and/or drinks. Don’t feel like you have to bring anything in order to come, but you’re more than welcome to!
(2) Bible Trivia
Once we’ve prayed and everyone has grabbed some food, we’ll begin the Bible trivia. There are all sorts of question difficulties, from very easy to very hard, so anyone is able to participate and have fun. Last time we did this, it was girls vs. guys, and the girls won… So, hopefully there’s an even amount of men and women so that the men can get payback 😂!
Feel free to invite anyone to this and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. See you soon!

Guest Speaker—Pastor Cole Howe
Cole Howe is the mentor and pastor of Jory Petitti. He is currently the Pastor of Moab Baptist Church, in Moab, Utah, and we’re excited to have him as the first guest speaker at Hobble Creek Baptist Church. We hope you can make it!

Game Night Activity
Pastor & Mrs. Petitti will be hosting a game night activity for children and teens at their apartment. Here’s what you need to know:
(1) Those older will play board/card games with Pastor Jory while those younger will play with toys with Mrs. Marisa.
(2) This event is FREE for all attending!
(3) There will be drinks and snacks provided.
(4) Though you don’t have to sign up your child/teen ahead of time, we’d sure appreciate it! To do so, you can either come to church where there is a paper sign-up sheet, or you can click here to sign up.
(5) You must bring your kids/teens as well as pick them up. We wish we had the accommodations and manpower to pick them up, but we do not. Hopefully in the future though!
This is going to be a fun event for all ages! Children and teens need Christian friendships as well as wholesome fun spent around Christians. We sure do hope your children/teens can make it to this event!
For more information or if you have questions, you can click here to contact Pastor Jory Petitti.

Nickel Mania Activity
Mrs. Marisa Petitti will be taking the children and teens to Nickel Mania to have fun while the adults pick up trash on 400 S. Here’s what you need to know:
(1) You don’t have to participate in picking up trash for your child or teen to come to Nickel Mania. For more information about Town Clean-up Day, click here.
(2) You need to drop your child/teen off at Nickel Mania. We wish we had the accommodations and manpower to pick up everyone for events like this, but we do not yet. Hopefully in the near future though!
(3) Additionally, you need to be able to pick up your child/teen after the event is over. We’ve planned for the event to start at 12:00 and to end at 1:30. Seeing that this is the first time that we’ve picked up trash, and seeing that we don’t know how many will be coming, it is unsure when exactly we will finish picking up trash. However, the plan is to end at 1:30 regardless of whether or not we’ve picked everything up. In the event that we finish early, the Nickel Mania activity will continue till 1:30. You are still free to pick up your child/teen earlier if you’d like, but we’d appreciate it if you came no later than 1:30 to pick them up.
(4) This event is FREE for all children and teens! Though we were planning to cover the cost already, an anonymous family volunteered to cover the cost. Praise the Lord!
(5) There will be some drinks and snacks for those attending.
(6) Though you don’t have to sign up your child/teen ahead of time, we’d sure appreciate it! To do so, you can either come to church where there is a paper sign-up sheet, or you can click here to sign up.
This is going to be a fun event for all ages! Children and teens need wholesome fun spent around Christians and they need Christian friendships. We sure do hope your child/teen can make it to this event!
For more information or if you have questions, you can click here to contact Pastor Jory Petitti.

Town Clean-Up Day
Come join us this day as we pick up trash along the 400 South road here in Springville, Utah. Here’s what you need to know:
(1) You must come to church and sign up before April 28. 400 South is controlled by UDOT, and they require that all who are going to participate fill out a waiver by April 28.
(2) Children and teens aren’t allowed to come. Because we are on a busy road, we cannot risk children and teens to come.
(3) My wife will be taking children and teens to Nickel Mania, located here in Springville, while the adults pick up trash. Even if you aren’t able to come pick up trash, if you’d like your teen or child to come to the Nickel arcade, they are more than welcome. For more information or to sign your child/teen up, click here.
(4) All the necessary equipment will be provided to properly pick up trash.
(5) We will be meeting in the parking lot at Nickel Mania at 12:00 to go over everything before we begin. At this time, parents can drop their child/teen off with my wife inside Nickel Mania.
We believe it is important to serve others and take care of what God has given us. We hope you consider joining us as we pick up trash on May 13 here in Springville, Utah. For more information, you can click here to contact us.

Easter Sunrise Service
Mark 16:2 says, “And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.” Jesus rose from the dead very early in the morning, before the sun rose. Many of us may never get up this early in the morning to worship the Lord, but if there is ever a time to do so, it’d be on a holy day that represents the resurrection of Christ.
Come join us for this service as we:
(1) Read resurrection scripture, sing resurrection hymns, listen to a short resurrection message, and pour our hearts out to God in remembrance of what He did as we watch the sun rise over the Wasatch mountains.
(2) After that, we will go inside to have breakfast. This will be a potluck style breakfast, so make sure to bring something if able (beverages, sweets, main dishes, etc.)
(3) After breakfast, the children will go outside where they will hunt for Easter eggs.
If you’d like to bring something for the potluck, there is a sign-up sheet that will be at church on Sundays where you can sign-up to bring something and see what others are bringing—that way we don’t all bring the same thing!
There’s nothing more important than the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ, so let’s make sure we get together for this monumental event in order to remember what He did.
We hope to see you there! May the Lord be glorified!
(For more information, click here to contact us)
P.S. We will also be holding our regular service at 2:00 PM in the Meeting Room at the Holiday Inn Express (1502 N 1750 W, Springville, UT 84663) where everything will be centered on the resurrection of Christ.