Our Distinctives

What makes us unique?

Not all Christians or Baptists are the same. Though many of us might be mostly the same, especially on non-compromisable beliefs, there will always be differences and there will always be things one church emphasizes more than another church does. Sometimes these differences are big and sometimes they can be small. Here are the beliefs we hold, and the practices we emphasize, which make us unique:


We believe the local church is vitally important and shouldn’t be usurped by any other organization such as parachurch organizations, colleges or denominations. We believe Christ is to be the head of the church and nothing else. We are non-denominational and independent. With all of this said, we do find value in certain parachurch organizations.


We do not worship our government, nor do we place it above God or the Bible. However, we do love our country and are thankful for those who’ve sacrificed their sacred lives so that we could have freedom, especially the freedom of religion. We believe Christians ought to get involved in politics. If someone reading this is or was in the military, thank you for your service. To the first responders reading this, thank you as well for your service.


We do not believe that God forces people to believe and not believe. We understand that God is sovereign, and that man has free-will, but we do not seek to explain it and understand it past what scripture reveals. Doing so results in man’s finite minds obscuring God’s supernatural, transcendent and unfathomable nature and plan. Now, while we do not agree with Calvinists, we still are kind to them and are even willing to fellowship and work alongside some of them, so long as they aren’t divisive about it, and so long as they still believe in sharing the gospel.


The gospel effects everything we do—We live in light of what Christ did. Though we seek to teach the whole counsel of God, a common theme at our church will be the good news of the cross. If we cease from following the cross, then we’ve ceased from following God’s heart.


Because we love all ethnicities, nations and people, we are passionate about getting the gospel to the world. We support and send missionaries to foreign and domestic lands so that we can see many go to heaven and experience a relationship with God.


Sermons, lessons, and Bible studies will not always be verse-by-verse, nor will they always be topical. We believe in a mix of different types of teaching and preaching in order to more fully teach the whole counsel of God.


There is no new thing under the sun." We don’t think that everyone before us was wrong and that we are now the only ones getting it right. Though we’re certainly open to new things, we typically hold to a more conservative view on doctrine and practice rather than a contemporary view.


Everything we say, do and teach must be in line with God’s Word. Since we believe God’s Word is our final authority for all matters of faith and practice, we believe in doing things the way the Bible says. When certain issues don’t have a direct answer in the Bible, we will strive to accurately balance all the principles and wisdom God has given us in His Word in order to do things right and best.


We do not believe there is one clear-cut standard dress code for the believer. While we do believe in, and will encourage our members to dress modestly, appropriately and biblically for church and life, we typically leave it up to the individuals to discern for themselves what exactly that looks like. If you plan on visiting or checking out our church, please don’t worry about dressing perfectly. While the pastor will most likely be found in a tie and suit coat most of the time, please, come as you are.


One of our greatest passions here are Hobble Creek Baptist Church is evangelism. We don’t believe in just attending church and hearing the Word, but rather we believe in doing God’s Word and living it outside of the church doors. We endeavor to have many different types of outreaches to our community and area in order to see many get saved.


Here at Hobble Creek Baptist Church we desire to do all for the glory of God. Whether therefore we eat or drink or whatever we do, we will “do all to the glory of God.” As time goes on and as life gets busy, we must not lose focus on who we are doing all things for. It’s ultimately not for ourselves or for others or for anything on this earth, it’s for God.