Mrs. Marisa Petitti will be taking the children and teens to Nickel Mania to have fun while the adults pick up trash on 400 S. Here’s what you need to know:
(1) You don’t have to participate in picking up trash for your child or teen to come to Nickel Mania. For more information about Town Clean-up Day, click here.
(2) You need to drop your child/teen off at Nickel Mania. We wish we had the accommodations and manpower to pick up everyone for events like this, but we do not yet. Hopefully in the near future though!
(3) Additionally, you need to be able to pick up your child/teen after the event is over. We’ve planned for the event to start at 12:00 and to end at 1:30. Seeing that this is the first time that we’ve picked up trash, and seeing that we don’t know how many will be coming, it is unsure when exactly we will finish picking up trash. However, the plan is to end at 1:30 regardless of whether or not we’ve picked everything up. In the event that we finish early, the Nickel Mania activity will continue till 1:30. You are still free to pick up your child/teen earlier if you’d like, but we’d appreciate it if you came no later than 1:30 to pick them up.
(4) This event is FREE for all children and teens! Though we were planning to cover the cost already, an anonymous family volunteered to cover the cost. Praise the Lord!
(5) There will be some drinks and snacks for those attending.
(6) Though you don’t have to sign up your child/teen ahead of time, we’d sure appreciate it! To do so, you can either come to church where there is a paper sign-up sheet, or you can click here to sign up.
This is going to be a fun event for all ages! Children and teens need wholesome fun spent around Christians and they need Christian friendships. We sure do hope your child/teen can make it to this event!
For more information or if you have questions, you can click here to contact Pastor Jory Petitti.